Here are our basic beliefs:

The Bible

The Bible is the Word of God, and as such, is inspired by God, is fully trustworthy, is our rule for faith and life, and is the complete and sufficient revelation of God for all people today.

The Trinity

Although not fully understandable to the finite human mind, there is only one God who exists in three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), each distinct, yet the same in substance, equal in power and glory.


God is the creator and sustainer of the entire universe.  He created all things, including man and woman.  Therefore, all people are accountable to God and were created to have fellowship with Him.

Jesus Christ

Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, being fully God, took on true humanity.  He died as a payment for sin, was raised on the third day in bodily form, and now rules over all for the sake of His church.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, is a personal being who indwells God’s people, sanctifying them, equipping them, and bestowing upon them gifts for effective service.

Man and Salvation

Mankind, by nature and practice, has fallen from God’s favor through the breaking of God’s law.  Men and women are freed from the penalty of their sin not because of their own works or goodness but only because of the undeserved favor of God.  Granting His favor as a free gift, God declares as righteous all those who respond to His call by placing their faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Church

The church is people who make up the Body of Christ.  It is to make disciples, defend and proclaim the truth of God, provide for the worship of God, and minister to people.  The normal experience for Christians is to join a local church and use their God-given gifts and abilities for the building up of the Kingdom of Christ through the church.

The Return of Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth in a personal, visible, and glorious manner. He will completely establish His Kingdom, calling His people to everlasting reward, but condemning to everlasting punishment those who refused His call to faith and repentance.