Celebrate Recovery Group

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The women of the congregation are warmly invited to join us on Thursday mornings as we continue our study of the epistle to the Hebrews. We begin to gather at 9:15am so that the study can begin promptly at 9:30 in the church library. Prayer time will follow at 10:30, and we aim to finish at…

Event Series Session Meeting

Session Meeting

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The session of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the North Hills will meet on this date.

Presbytery of the Alleghenies Meeting @ Providence RPC

Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church 219 Ewing Road, Carnegie, United States

The Presbytery of the Alleghenies will meet during the weekend of April 12-13 at the Providence RPC in the South Hills.

Morning Worship

Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…

BRED (Biblical Rest, Encouragement, Discipleship)

Sam & Meg's Home PA, United States

BRED (Biblical Rest, Encouragement, Discipleship) : A come-as-you-are, come-when-you-can opportunity for Sabbath-keeping and fellowship A big pot of soup, a crusty loaf, the Westminster Confession, and you BRED will be on the 2nd Sunday afternoon most months at Sam and Meg's home, after the morning worship service.

RP Joint Worship Service

Memorial Park Church 8800 Peebles Road, Allison Park, PA, United States

The next RP Joint Worship Service will be Sunday, April 14, at 6:00 p.m. at Memorial Park Church (8800 Peebles Rd. Allison Park PA 15101).  Each church is asked to provide nine dozen cookies for the reception after the service. We will also need one person to receive the cookies and deliver them to Memorial…