Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!

Celebrate Recovery Group

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

There is women's Bible study that runs from 9:15am - 11:00am in the church library. Babysitting is provided. We will be studying the book of EXODUS - join us as we see God's plan of salvation unfold as He delivers His people out of slavery and comes to live among them. Questions? Ask Kathy or…

Event Series Building Use: Fellowship Hall

Building Use: Fellowship Hall

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The fellowship hall is reserved on Saturday mornings from 10am - 2pm by a Chinese dance school. This request is in perpetuity, when there are no other church functions.

Morning Worship

Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…

Evening Worship

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…

Monday Morning Prayer

PA, United States

Join us at the church on Monday mornings at 6:00am for a prayer group led by Pastor Metgzer.

Event Series Trail Life Meeting (@ Grace RPC)

Trail Life Meeting (@ Grace RPC)

Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church 3916 Bakerstown Road, Gibsonia, PA, United States

Trail Life troop PA-1207 is organized by members of both the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the North Hills, and the Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church of Gibsonia. The troop meets on Monday nights: Nave/Adventurers meet every Monday Woodlands meet every *other* Monday Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered outdoor character development adventure program open to boys…

Event Series Deacons Meeting

Deacons Meeting

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The deacons meet on the Monday that follows the first Tuesday of each month, generally starting at 7:30pm over Zoom.

Tuesday Morning Prayer

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us at the church on Tuesday mornings at 8:30am for a prayer group led by Pastor Blocki.