RP International Conference –The RP International Conference is a six-day gathering of RP congregations from around the world. It will be held on the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana from June 25 to July 1. A registration link is available on the RPI website at https://rpiconference.org, as well as much more information,…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
Pastor Blocki and Kathy will be opening their home for a bi-weekly study of the challenging and profoundly helpful book Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, written by Paul David Tripp. Subtitle: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change. We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands…
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
Pastor Blocki and Kathy will be opening their home for a bi-weekly study of the challenging and profoundly helpful book Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, written by Paul David Tripp. Subtitle: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change. We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands…
There will be a Fellowship Lunch following the communion service on this date. General fellowship lunch guidelines: Each family is asked to bring a main dish to serve 8-10 people to share. Those whose last names start with letters A-M or N-Z are also asked to bring a side dish or salad to share and…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
On Saturday July 13th, there will be an opportunity to go whitewater rafting on the Lower Youghiogheny River. Details will be published as arrangement are finalized. The important thing you need to know now is that June 22nd will be the deadline for reserving your slot. Cost is $76.85/person.
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
There will be an opportunity to join with TFY for a time of community engagement, on the evening of July 15th, and the morning of Saturday, July 20th. Schedule is as follows: July 15th (Monday) 7pm - meet at church 7:30-8:30pm - community engagement 8:30pm-9pm - debrief 9pm - Ice Cream @ Bruster's July 20th…
Please join the TFY students for pickleball at the church on Tuesday, July 16, starting at 7:00 p.m. Weather-permitting. We will have some snacks, lemonade, and water, so please come to watch and enjoy an evening out even if you don’t care to play.
You are welcome to join us and the TFY kids at the McCandless Crossings Cinemark Theatre on Wednesday, July 17 for the 6:30 showing of Disciples in the Moonlight. You can order tickets online. (I’m not sure about getting tickets at the door.) Here is a link to the trailer in case you want a…
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
Youth of the church in grades 7 through 12 are invited to a swimming party with the TFY students at Jeff and Ruth’s home, on Thursday, July 18, from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Ruth by Tuesday evening. Youth attending are asked to bring a snack or dessert to share.
Come with us and the TFY group to see the Pittsburgh Pirates take on the Philadelphia Phillies on Friday, July 19th. Cost is $28/ticket, and the deadline for reserving a ticket is June 17th.
A church member will be hosting a birthday party for their little one on Saturday morning, July 20th. Event Summary Birthday party Event Date 2024-07-20 Start Time 0900 End Time 1300 Facilities Requested Fellowship Hall, Kitchen Number Expected 50
There will be an opportunity to join with TFY for a time of community engagement, on the evening of July 15th, and the morning of Saturday, July 20th. Schedule is as follows: July 15th (Monday) 7pm - meet at church 7:30-8:30pm - community engagement 8:30pm-9pm - debrief 9pm - Ice Cream @ Bruster's July 20th…
Members of the congregation are invited to join the TFY youth for an afternoon of bowling from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 20, at Perry Park Lanes (9600 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh 15237). Cost is $4.50 per game plus $2.00 for shoe rental. Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Kevin K.…
Would you like some FREE babysitting?? Our TFY students and some of our own youth group will be providing FREE babysitting on Saturday, July 20, from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at the church. All you need to do is SIGN UP! You will send a sack supper with your child/children. Youth will provide games/activities to keep your…
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
The leadership of the Celebrate Recovery group at the RPC of North Hills meets every 4th Thursday of the month starting at 6pm for a light dinner and then discussion time.
Pastor Blocki and Kathy will be opening their home for a bi-weekly study of the challenging and profoundly helpful book Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, written by Paul David Tripp. Subtitle: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change. We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands…
The annual RPC of North Hills church picnic will be held on July 27th at Devlin Park. Please be sure to sign up - Josh L. sent an email with an online sign-up link. There will be a casual volleyball tournament before dinner is served at 6:00pm. Please come!
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
We will be celebrating Communion on this date. The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills practices Session Controlled Communion. If you have not taken the Lord’s Supper with us before, the Elders would like to meet with you and hear your profession of faith in the LORD Jesus Christ no later than the Sunday before…
Pastor Blocki and Kathy will be opening their home for a bi-weekly study of the challenging and profoundly helpful book Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, written by Paul David Tripp. Subtitle: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change. We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
This year's youth trip will be rafting on the lower New River in West Virginia. The trip will depart in the morning on Friday, August 2, and raft that day. On Saturday, August 3, they will spend part of the day on the high ropes course located at Alpine Bible College. Please see e-mails from…
Jeff and Ruth invite those age 40 and over to join them to hang out, swim, or dip your toes in their pool, on Friday, August 2, any time after work. They will serve hot dogs and brats, and ask those attending to bring a dish to share if you are able. Please RSVP by…