Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Trail Life troop PA-1207 is organized by members of both the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the North Hills, and the Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church of Gibsonia. The troop meets on Monday nights: Nave/Adventurers meet every Monday Woodlands meet every *other* Monday Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered outdoor character development adventure program open to boys…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
This year's youth trip will be rafting on the lower New River in West Virginia. The trip will depart in the morning on Friday, August 2, and raft that day. On Saturday, August 3, they will spend part of the day on the high ropes course located at Alpine Bible College. Please see e-mails from…
We will be helping with food sorting and stocking at the Light of Life Rescue Mission from 10am-1pm. Please see Sam S. or Derryck if you are interested in helping on this day.
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
We will have a prayer chain starting at 8:00 p.m. each Friday in May and ending at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please look for a weekly e-mail from Luke with an online sign up.
The next SNA will be May 4, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. It will be hosted by the Ma family at the church. They will serve fried rice and ask that the youth attending bring sides, snacks or dessert. Please RSVP by Thursday, May 2, to Dorcas Ma. Students in grades 7-12 are invited…
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
There will be a Fellowship Lunch following the communion service on this date. General fellowship lunch guidelines: Each family is asked to bring a main dish to serve 8-10 people to share. Those whose last names start with letters A-M or N-Z are also asked to bring a side dish or salad to share and…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Trail Life troop PA-1207 is organized by members of both the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the North Hills, and the Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church of Gibsonia. The troop meets on Monday nights: Nave/Adventurers meet every Monday Woodlands meet every *other* Monday Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered outdoor character development adventure program open to boys…
Network of Life, the umbrella organization for Women’s Choice Network, will be hosting open houses at each of their three medical clinics this week. On Monday, May 6, they will be at their North Side location, on Wednesday, May 8, at their Oakland office, and on Thursday, May 9, in Monroeville. The open houses will…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
Network of Life, the umbrella organization for Women’s Choice Network, will be hosting open houses at each of their three medical clinics this week. On Monday, May 6, they will be at their North Side location, on Wednesday, May 8, at their Oakland office, and on Thursday, May 9, in Monroeville. The open houses will…
Network of Life, the umbrella organization for Women’s Choice Network, will be hosting open houses at each of their three medical clinics this week. On Monday, May 6, they will be at their North Side location, on Wednesday, May 8, at their Oakland office, and on Thursday, May 9, in Monroeville. The open houses will…
We will have a prayer chain starting at 8:00 p.m. each Friday in May and ending at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please look for a weekly e-mail from Luke with an online sign up.
There will be a work day at the church on Saturday, May 11th. There will be plenty of jobs for everyone who can work independently or with close parental supervision. Please bring your own work gloves, buckets and rags. We always encourage our youth to participate in work days in learning how to care for…
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
BRED (Biblical Rest, Encouragement, Discipleship) : A come-as-you-are, come-when-you-can opportunity for Sabbath-keeping and fellowship A big pot of soup, a crusty loaf, the Westminster Confession, and you BRED will be on the 2nd Sunday afternoon most months at Sam and Meg's home, after the morning worship service.
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Trail Life troop PA-1207 is organized by members of both the Reformed Presbyterian Church of the North Hills, and the Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church of Gibsonia. The troop meets on Monday nights: Nave/Adventurers meet every Monday Woodlands meet every *other* Monday Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered outdoor character development adventure program open to boys…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
We will have a prayer chain starting at 8:00 p.m. each Friday in May and ending at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please look for a weekly e-mail from Luke with an online sign up.
RPTS Commencement will be on Friday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m. at Providence Presbyterian Church (77 Phillips Lane, McKees Rocks, PA). The address will be given by Rev. Aaron Garber, Pastor at Calvin Presbyterian Church, and a reception will immediately follow commencement. Friends of RPC-NH who will be graduating include Kevin Dennis and Oscar Gonzalez Yun.…
Apologetics Conference Opportunity - Christ Church of Grove Farm, On Saturday, May 18, Christ Church at Grove Farm will host the Unshaken Conference. The conference runs from 8:30am - 5:00pm (doors open at 7:30am). For more information, please go to: The cost is $59 for the all-day conference. Apologist Frank Turek, and others, will…
Please join us for a baby shower honoring Phoebe C. on Saturday, May 18th at 10:00am at the church. By May 12, please sign up on the bulletin board, or RSVP to Amy. Phoebe is expecting a baby girl in July, and has an online registry. Please bring a recommendation for a book for Phoebe…
SNA – The next SNA will be May 18, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at David and Valerie’s. They will serve dinner and ask that the youth attending bring sides, desserts, or a beverage to share. Please RSVP to Valerie by Thursday, May 16. Students in grades 7-12 are invited to participate in Saturday…
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Trail Life is a ministry of our church that ministers to well over 60 young men and boys in the greater North Hills area. The Court of Honor recognizes their accomplishments and advancements through the ranks. Please join us for an opportunity to meet their families as we acknowledge the hard work the boys (and…
We are looking forward to spending time with women from our church at our Titus 2 meetings. As usual, we will meet the third Monday of the month beginning in September. Rose has opened her home for us again, and the meetings are from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Snacks are optional. This year we are going to…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
The leadership of the Celebrate Recovery group at the RPC of North Hills meets every 4th Thursday of the month starting at 6pm for a light dinner and then discussion time.
CROSS Conference - Westminster RPC in Prairie View, IL will be hosting a conference on the Ten Commandments, drawing from the instruction of the Westminster Larger Catechism, on Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27. They would love to have many people from the various congregations in our denomination attend. The website is and the details…
We will have a prayer chain starting at 8:00 p.m. each Friday in May and ending at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please look for a weekly e-mail from Luke with an online sign up.
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. Our church is a diverse congregation that delights in seeing Christ’s work across generational lines. Families, including youth of all ages…
Return on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front page of our website. This worship service is held in our main auditorium in English. After this service, there is also a time of prayer…
Several families of the church rotate hosting a Bible study and prayer time in the North Hills on Tuesday evenings. Please speak with Pastor Metzger if you would like to attend!
The Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then small group meetings at 8:00pm. Please speak to Pastor Metzger or Kevin if you have any questions.
We will have a prayer chain starting at 8:00 p.m. each Friday in May and ending at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please look for a weekly e-mail from Luke with an online sign up.
You’re Invited! – Bryce will be graduating from Hampton High School on May 31, and A.W. Beattie Career Center on May 29. The church is invited to his graduation party at his home on Saturday, June 1, at 6:00 p.m. They plan on having picnic food and a campfire. Please bring a camping chair and…