The king's proclamation allows for the progress of God's Kingdom and the praise of God.
Ezra returns to Jerusalem to begin the reformation for the people, as the good hand of God was upon his life.
The rebuilding of the temple allows for the renewal of the proper worship of God, which brings joy to God's people.
God's work will be done despite trials and potential compromises as He often uses human agents to accomplish His will.
Because a Christian's work for the Kingdom will often be questioned and challenged, you must rely on your resources from God.
God's sovereignty means that he watches over His people and their actions in order to protect and prosper them.
Because God's Kingdom and God's work will be hated by the world, there will sometimes be (temporary) setbacks to the progress of His Kingdom.
The work of God will always be threatened by enemies from without and enemies from within.
Christians are to treasure and rejoice in God's work in the past as well as in the present, all the while looking expectantly to the future.