Celebrate Recovery Group
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe Celebrate Recovery group will be meeting in the church library on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meeting kicks off with refreshments at 6:30pm, large group meeting at 7:00pm, then…
Women’s Bible Study
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThere is women's Bible study that runs from 9:15am - 11:00am in the church library. Babysitting is provided. We will be studying the book of EXODUS - join us as…
Celebrate Recovery Leadership Meeting
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe leadership of the Celebrate Recovery group at the RPC of North Hills meets every 4th Thursday of the month starting at 6pm for a light dinner and then discussion…
Building Use: Fellowship Hall
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe fellowship hall is reserved on Saturday mornings from 10am - 2pm by a Chinese dance school. This request is in perpetuity, when there are no other church functions.
Building Use: Classrooms
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe classrooms are in use by an outside group on specific Saturdays during the school year from 10am - 5pm.
Trail Life Fundraising Dinner
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesOur Trail Life Troop is having their annual Spaghetti Dinner on this date. More details to follow - building use request detail follows: Event Summary Trail Life Fundraising Dinner Event…
Morning Worship
Come and praise and worship our great God with us each Sunday morning at 10:00am! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front…
Fellowship Lunch
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThere will be a Fellowship Lunch following the communion service on this date. General fellowship lunch guidelines: Each family is asked to bring a main dish to serve 8-10 people…
Evening Worship
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesReturn on Sunday evening at 6:00pm to continue to praise and worship our great God! Join in person or via livestream by clicking the Join Livestream link on the front…
Cush4Christ Presentation
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills 606 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesCush4Christ Presentation - On Sunday evening, March 2, immediately following our Evening Worship Service, Lucas and Melissa Hanna will share a presentation on the Cush4Christ mission work in South Sudan. …